Testing pydantic with Hypothesis


This post covers a few important points for generating valid and complete pydantic model instances using Hypothesis. I’ll assume you’re familiar with at least pydantic and won’t go into detail on Hypothesis either: in short, it enables property-based testing, in which you specify the type of something (a string, an integer, or a pydantic model), and it generates valid data for that model. If this is all new to you, Rodrigo Girão Serrão wrote a really good article on this only last week.

Hypothesis + Pydantic

Hypothesis can be used to generate Pydantic models, however it is pretty fickle in places and it’s important to understand its limitations; in particular, making sure that the generated models cover the range of possible valid models.

We will use the following example model:

class Thing(BaseModel):
    maybe_string: Optional[str] = Field(alias="maybeString")
    string_or_float: Union[str, float] = Field(alias="stringOrFloat")
    float_or_string: Union[float, str] = Field(alias="floatOrString")
    non_nan_float: confloat(allow_inf_nan=False) = Field(alias="nonNanFloat")

We can then create instances of this model for testing using Hypothesis, using the strategy builds, i.e. with st.builds(Thing). builds takes keyword arguments matching field names whose values are separate strategies for generating valid data for their field.

Use Field Aliases in st.builds

In the model above, st.builds(Thing, maybe_string=st.text()) will not generate values for maybe_string! You must passs the alias instead, i.e. st.builds(Thing, maybeString=st.text())

Optional Variables and Type Casting

If a variable is optional, it will always generate None, and if all fields are optional then Hypothesis will only generate one example instance whose values are all None. To get solve for this, you can use the one_of strategy, as follows:

    st.builds(Thing, maybeString=st.one_of(st.none(), st.text()))

In addition to this, in the case of Union, Hypothesis will only generate instance of the first type for any types that can be cast as that type. So in the example above, string_or_float will always have type str because a float can be cast as a string; conversely float_or_string will generate both types. Solving this uses the same one_of strategy as above.

Invalid Data

In the case of Pydantic constrained types, Hypothesis will generate data which are not valid and your test will raise an error immediately, so non_nan_float may be nan or inf. In this case, you must also pass a strategy which does generate valid data, using for example st.floats(allow_nan=False).

Addendum: Using Real-World Data

In addition to the above gotchas, it’s sometimes useful to use real-world data in Hypothesis. We have a number of microservices whose data models include addresses, and these addresses have been validated as existing ahead of time, so we don’t want Hypothesis to go wild with st.text, but at the same time pass address components in different parts of a pydantic model. In these cases, we have the following composite strategy for generating valid models from a list of known addresses.

def address_strategy(draw: Callable) -> RequestWithAddress:
    base_instance = draw(st.builds(RequestWithAddress))
    address_line_1, city, state, zipcode = draw(st.sampled_from(real_addresses))
    base_instance.address_line_1 = address_line_1
    base_instance.city = city
    base_instance.state = state
    base_instance.zipcode = zipcode

    return base_instance

Here, real_addresses is a List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]] of real addresses, which we draw from using sampled_from and use to overwrite the data that Hypothesis generates.